The Florida Church of God International is a seventh-day-Sabbath keeping Christian church.

Since it's inception, The Church of God International has been committed to spreading the Gospel as taught by Jesus Christ, into all the world and equipping its members with the knowledge of God's word through the preaching of the Bible.


In addition to the weekly Sabbath, The Florida Church of God International teaches the observance of God's annual Feast or Holy Days such as Passover, The Feast Unleavened Bread, Pentecost (The Feast of Weeks), The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles and The Last Great Day.

We welcome any and all who seek a better understanding of God's Word, in peace. Our mission is to spread the True Word of God. Therefore, we look to the scriptures for guidance and inspiration.

We cordially invite you to join us for Sabbath Services and to grow with us in the knowledge of God's Word.